
Where Are Public Transportation Services Needed in South Carolina?

There is a need to expand public transportation services to all 46 counties in South Carolina to meet the mobility needs of all of South Carolina’s citizens. Reliable, affordable, and accessible transportation is essential to support individual and community quality of life. TASC is committed to working with local and state agencies and legislative bodies within the state to increase funding for mobile infrastructure and operations so that public transportation services can be expanded as needed.

There are six (6) counties in South Carolina that have been identified as not having public transit service supported by any of the funding programs administered by SCDOT. These include: Abbeville County, Upper Savannah Region; Greenwood County, Upper Savannah Region; Laurens County, Upper Savannah Region; Saluda County, Upper Savannah Region; Cherokee County, Appalachian Region; and Union County, Catawba Region. Also, within the other 40 counties where public transit services of some type are currently provided, there is still limited service in more rural areas of these counties. Many seniors and average citizens in these areas still need transportation to jobs, educational opportunities, medical care, healthy and fresh foods, etc., and have no access to public transportation.

According to the South Carolina Multimodal Transportation Plan, 56 percent of transit needs in South Carolina remain unmet! This is unacceptable to TASC and its members, and we will continue to work with the state’s citizens and local, state and federal partners to find ways to meet the needs.

What can YOU do to support expanded public transit services in South Carolina?

Become a member of TASC today! Click here to join. By coming together with a unified voice, TASC can have a much greater impact on transportation policy and on shaping South Carolina’s public transit future!

Make your voice heard by connecting with your local house and senate representatives. Share with them the importance and need of mobility in your local community by utilizing public transit.

Contact your House Rep. today!

Contact your Senator today!